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Key info

Year 7 Transition

Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 is an exciting and significant milestone in a child’s educational journey. As students enter Year 7, they encounter a broader curriculum, meet new teachers, and make new friends, all of which help to foster independence and confidence.
Students will face lots of changes at this time, moving from having mainly one teacher in one classroom on a daily basis to having five different lessons, in different classrooms with different teachers and across a large site. Whilst the changes can be daunting, we strive to ensure that each child feels welcomed and prepared, making the transition arrangements as thorough, reassuring and informative as possible for both students and parents.
We would like to extend a warm welcome and we looking forward to getting to know you better during this transition period. Please keep checking this page, which is updated throughout the year. If you have any questions or queries, please email: or call our Admissions Office on 01924 483688.

Key Dates

Transition Days – TBC
Parent’s Information Evening – TBC
First day of term for Year 7 students – TBC

Transition booklet and videos

Please find below the transition booklet and presentation which were shared with parents who attended the Welcome Evening.
Transition Booklet

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