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The Purpose of Feedback
Assessing what students can do and giving them feedback on their performance is integral to the role of a teacher. Feedback moves learning forward, targets a specific learning gap and ensures that a pupil improves.
Principles of Feedback: What is high quality feedback and what should we avoid?
High quality feedback should focus on moving the learning forward, targeting specific learning gaps that pupils exhibit. For feedback to be effective, time needs to given for students to act on feedback. High quality feedback may focus on:
  • The task, for example, feedback which comments on a specific piece of work and will offer advice on how to improve learning.
  • The subject, for example, feedback which can be used across a subject and applied to other subject tasks.
  • Metacognitive strategies, for example, feedback which aims to improve the learner’s own ability to plan, monitor and evaluate their learning.
Examples of feedback methods used at The MFG (for summative or formative assessment) which would be evident in books/folders or on student work:
1. Demonstrate and Connect
  • A task is set which has specific learning intentions (success criteria)
  • The tasks are checked by the teacher after the lesson and based on misconceptions, errors, missing ideas etc. each piece of work is coded (for example using 3 different colours)
  • The teacher plans between 3-5 differentiated tasks to move the learning forward
  • In the next lesson, students attempt a differentiated task based on their code
  • DIRT is completed in purple pen
2. Whole Class Feedback
  • A task is set which has specific learning intentions (success criteria)
  • The class teacher reads a representative sample of students’ work based on gender, PP, prior attainment etc.
  • The teacher then gives feedback on areas that students have done well and areas for improvement.
  • A sheet which contains WWWs, EBIs and DIRT tasks are printed for all students.
  • Students complete planned DIRT tasks, prepared by the teacher in response to student understanding, to improve their learning. Depending on the students and/or class, it may be appropriate to direct each student to a particular task or to allow students to self-assess their work and decide which of the tasks would improve their work, increasing their metacognitive thinking.
  • DIRT is completed in purple pen
3. Written feedback using WWW and EBI
  • It is worth noting that although this form of feedback can be effective, it is also time consuming.
  • A task is set which has specific learning intentions (success criteria)
Using these intentions, the teacher gives the work one WWW and one EBI.
4. Question Level Analysis
  • An assessment is assessed and given a numerical mark.
  • The class’s strengths and areas to develop are noted by the teacher for use in their planning.
  • Students (or the teacher) assess their performance on each question – therefore identifying which were the areas of high performance and which are areas to develop.
  • During an improvement lesson, the teacher plans activities/learning to address these areas to develop.
  • Students make corrections/improvements in purple pen.

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