Relationships, Sexual Health Education (RSE) - Curriculum

RSHE is lifelong learning about physical health and mental wellbeing, sexual, social and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care, for family life, friendships and ourselves.
Our aim is to provide balanced factual information about human relationships and reproduction together with consideration of the broader emotional, ethical, and moral dimension strongly linked to our whole school values (Tenacity, Health & Happiness, Equity, Morality, Flourish and Generosity).
RSE is an integral part of the lifelong learning process, and we aim to ensure students engage in age-appropriate activities, information, scenarios and discussions which broaden and explore their knowledge, pre-conceptions and understanding. We use positive images of a range of young people which avoids and provides opportunities to consider and challenge racism, sexism, gender and homophobic stereotyping.
Our RSE curriculum is delivered through through our tutorial sessions and have been mapped and developed in line with guidance from the Department for Education (DfE), “2019 Guidance. Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education”, which is compulsory from January 2021.

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