
At The MFG, our priorities are that our students are safe, healthy and successful, all of which are helped by attending school regularly. We believe that working in partnership with families is the best way to maximise attendance at school in order to achieve these priorities.
We know that regular attendance at school is vitally important in helping students to reach their academic potential, to grow socially and emotionally and to develop a range of life skills which will support them as they enter the world of work or higher education at the end of their compulsory education.
Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular school attendance and educational progress and attainment. Children who frequently miss school often fall behind and they are likely to have fewer GCSEs at lower grades, which can impact on their ability to access further education and/or employment.
When it comes to school attendance, it is easy to think that 90% attendance is at a positive level but the reality is that this is equivalent to one day off school per fortnight or 95 hours of learning missed across a year. Children who have less than 90% attendance are regarded as ‘persistent absentees’ from school by government standards. It is our expectation that our students should only miss school when it is absolutely necessary and should aim for a minimum of 97% attendance over the course of each year. 
Strong school attendance for every child is in everyone’s best interests and it is the responsibility of us all. We are determined to work together with students and their families to make this happen.
To report a student absence, call 01924 483687.

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